He might also choose to begin his talk with an appropriate quote. He might decide to quote a famous author, recite a short poem or read a Scripture verse. He may even want to share a line or two from a love note between him and his new wife if it is appropriate and she approves.
Once the bridegroom has the attention of the audience, he should talk about and share his thoughts on marriage and the future he will share with the love of his life. He should paint an optimistic picture of what their life will look like in five, ten or even fifty years. He should be realistic in his ideas, but should not focus on any negative points, nor should he use this platform to embarrass his bride with any inappropriate stories.
He might also want to talk about his warm feelings towards his new bride. He should talk about her good qualities, talents and her special abilities. He can also talk about her accomplishments and take the time to not only brag a little bit about her, but to let her know that he wants others to know just how great he thinks that she is.
Other topics that he might want to talk about include the bride's family. A man can take this opportunity to thank his new in-laws for their support and to compliment them on the good job that they did at raising their daughter. He might also want to promise them that he will be there to love an honor their daughter throughout the remainder of this life.
Things that should be avoided are any off-color or rude remarks about the bride, her family or anyone. Demeaning people for the sake of a joke not only hurts people, but it makes everyone in the room uncomfortable. Bad or questionable language should also be avoided at all formal events.
Groom wedding speeches should be thoughtful and well-planned. Men might want to use humor in his open lines, or he might want to use an appropriate quote. He can also add complimentary comments about his new bride and others and should avoid demeaning talk and bad language at all cost. Click here to read more...
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